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Pastor's Letter

Minister's Letter - October 2024

Writer's picture: Rev'd Adrian PerryRev'd Adrian Perry

Dear friends,

I have the pleasure of writing the newsletter during what for me is the best season of the year.

By the time you read this I imagine I will have met most of you in one context or another – even if I have yet to remember who you all are!

There is something about the start of ‘the new Methodist year’ that I have always been inspired by – especially where there has been a change of Ministerial oversight. We in Ministry often talk about what we call ‘the honeymoon period’ of a new appointment, where we are settling in, getting to know people, and Minister and congregation are generally nice to each other!

Then almost without warning the honeymoon period is over and the new Minister is no longer new, and is no longer able to plead ignorance about things s/he doesn’t know!

Then the challenges begin, many of which are exciting and enjoyable – but others which we really would prefer not to go through.

There is something not dissimilar to the cycle of the seasons.

We’ve come through what at least should be the brightness and warmth of Summer with blue skies and stunning flowers, and now we find ourselves in the season of Autumn, where it all changes and beautiful leaves and trees become dry and lifeless. But we know that one day they will once again spring to life and flourish.

And this is not dissimilar to the cycle of discipleship.

We will all experience times of growth and flourishing – times where we are inspired and confident in our faith. But we will also experience challenges which leave us feeling dry and lifeless.

My prayer for you as we journey through this changing season, is that you will know the transforming love and power of God – that He will not only sustain you – but prepare you well for the next season of growth and flourishing.

God bless you,


Rev. Adrian Perry

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